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​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela


Our infant classroom environments are developed with the safety and developmental needs of the children in mind. You will see a variety of different learning materials that encourage exploration and support the development and mastery of new skills. Each day includes experiences that foster creative expression, cognitive development, social and emotional growth, motor skills, and problem-solving.





​1-Year Old Class


Our one-year old classrooms are where children develop into a curious and active child. Purposeful play is integrated to every activity to ensure your child begins their path to learning from the get go. A typical day for one-year olds in our classroom includes time for play, story time, meals, sleep,  individual and group activities in the morning and afternoon. The day is full of quality interaction with teachers as your child develops social skills and learns to enjoy and trust their surroundings. Every child is special and we take pride in providing the nurturing care your child needs to develop and transition into our toddler classroom.

​2-3 Year Old Class
Toddlers are always on the go! Our toddler classrooms provide a safe environment where your child can explore and learn. Teachers promote self-care skills such as feeding, cleaning, and dressing. We also support your child’s large motor development and eye-hand coordination through a variety of activities such as kicking, tossing, drawing, and lacing. Toddlers discover new things about their world every day. Your child’s day is filled with opportunities to explore and gain important skills. A samples schedule includes time for: meals with peers, free and structured play, music, art, quiet time, sleep time, and outdoor play. Throughout the day diapers are checked and potty time is provided for children who are training. Every child is special and we take pride in providing the care and experiences your toddler needs to transition into our preschool classroom.

3-4 Year Old Preschool Class


Our preschool classrooms provide everything your child needs for continued growth and preparation for a key transition entering school. Our preschoolers get the benefits of a school readiness curriculum. In preschool the focus is on learning and preparation for school.  Your child’s day is filled with fun learning activities, circle time, indoor, and outdoor playtime, group meals, quiet activities, and rest time. Through individual or small groups, children are guided to interest areas.  They explore reading, songs, writing, math, and science with their teacher. Preschool graduation is an exciting time for you and your child. We take time to celebrate this milestone with your family at the end of summer. This is the perfect time to begin thinking about any before and after school care needs once your child attends school.  Every child is special and we take pride in providing the care and experiences your preschooler needs to appropriately transition into school.

Before/After School Program

Our before and after school program offer services for children 3 to 12 years of age. We offer homework help, a safe and secure environment, nutritious meals, and snacks included.

Summer Camp

Summer camp is for school-age children 3- to 12-years-old from June through August. Our summer camp  provides a variety of hands-on experiences that encourage critical thinking, problem solving, innovation, creativity, and collaboration. Enriching teacher-led projects stimulate child discovery through small and large group activities. This year’s summer camp experience is Together We Rock!!! 
Our theme is focused on R-Be respectful, O-Offer help, C-Be Courteous, K- Be Kind. Hands-on experiences, interesting discussions, performances, and creative activities and games will provide a camp environment focused on personal growth, enrichment, and FUN!

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